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Writer's pictureChadwick Dolgos

Hollywood Elites are NOT Above the Law

The tragic death of Halyna Anatoliivna Hutchins, a Ukrainian cinematographer who worked on more than 30 feature-length films, short films, and TV miniseries has stirred emotions in Hollywood and beyond. On October 21st, 2021, she died on the set of 'Rust' in Albuquerque, New Mexico at the hands of Alec Baldwin, an angry talentless actor who is always the first to point out other people's flaws.

The criminal justice system has now decided to charge Baldwin with involuntary manslaughter due to his actions that day. This decision brings a sense of comfort as it shows that no one is above the law - not even Hollywood celebrities. It is a reminder that justice will be served to those who do wrong, no matter their status.

Halyna Hutchins' family has experienced a terrible tragedy that must never again happen. We are deeply saddened by her loss and sympathize with her loved ones in this difficult time. Her legacy lives in the films she worked on, including 'Archenemy', 'Darlin', and 'Blindfire'.

Nobody should ever have to go to work in fear of losing their life, especially when working on expensive Hollywood sets. It is devastating that Hutchins was murdered due to the negligence of Alec Baldwin and his team, and I am happy to see that our justice system is taking steps to right this wrong.

Tragedies like these are preventable by taking proper safety precautions - having an experienced firearms expert on hand when operating unfamiliar equipment, for example Unfortunately, Alec Baldwin is a liberal who wants to disarm law-abiding citizens and does not have the same respect for firearms that many of us do and never took the time to learn how to properly handle a firearm. For starters -- you never pull the trigger when the gun is pointed at a non-threatening person.

Alec Baldwin's case is a perfect example of why all Americans should be properly trained to handle firearms. His actions, resulting in unnecessary death, are a reminder that gun safety must never be taken lightly and proper safety protocols must always be followed.

The tragedy also serves as a warning to those who think guns are toys. No matter how famous or powerful you are, you do not have an inherent right to disregard personal responsibility. Proper gun safety practice is essential in preventing accidents from occurring and respecting the lives of all individuals, regardless of status. Everyone has a responsibility to follow gun safety protocols, and Baldwin's case shows that those who do not can face serious consequences.

It is now up to the justice system to hold Baldwin accountable for his actions. I am glad that justice is being served in this case and will be watching as the trial progresses. Nobody should ever be allowed to get away with taking another person's life and I hope Halyna's family will find closure in this unprecedented situation.

No matter the outcome of Baldwin's trial, justice has been served by charging him with involuntary manslaughter. We are reminded that even Hollywood celebrities must abide by the law and face justice for their actions. This case proves that nobody is above the law and that Halyna Hutchins' life was not taken in vain.

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