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Writer's pictureChadwick Dolgos

Maine's MILF Mobile Protected by First Amendment

The MILF Mobile will never be canceled.

-Brittney Glidden

The MILF mobile in Maine is making headlines once again, as a state senator wants to ban “vulgar and obscene” vanity plates. Owner of the infamous MILF mobile Brittney Glidden purchased a vanity plate from the state that reads “TITSOUT.” She explained that the plate is in reference to the fact that she breastfed all four of her children, and she frequently enjoys topless drives around town. Believe it or not, but Maine is a topless state.

While you may argue that Glidden’s MILF mobile is over the top, with it’s stickers that read, “Kids in this bitch, honk if one falls out,” and “If you’re gonna ride my ass, at least pull my hair,” amongst many others, it is not the responsibility of the government to determine what qualifies as vulgarity, nor is vulgarity and unprotected form of speech.

The First Amendment is not exclusive to valuable speech; the Founder’s vaguely protected all speech. There are exceptions to free speech, but vulgarity is not one of them. Obscenity is, but the Supreme Court has refused to come to a clear definition of what speech and expression is considered obscene.

Glidden enjoys expressing her personality through vaguely offensive stickers on her truck. According to the research that I conducted for this short, there have have been no victims directly tied to her stickers. There has been a lot of complaints, but it’s becoming abundantly clear that people only complain because they’re bored. Instead of finding a hobby and adding productivity to society, they complain to make their miserable lives appear valuable.

Are parents afraid to educate their children? I’m not a father, so I haven’t been is this situation, yet. However, instead of lying to your children, use these situations as opportunities to educate your children about the real world. Vulgarity exists in the real world, and maybe even at home. It’s on our radios, in our movies and television shows, every award show pushes the vulgarity envelop one inch closer to the edge. People aren’t actually offended by the MILF mobile. They just want your attention.

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